We’ve always had a bit of trouble trying to send Pickles to
school. It was a battle every morning, when he first started. But once he got
used to it, things got easier until something happened at school that he didn’t
like and we’d be back to the dont-wanna-go-to-school phase. R and I would resort to talking, telling
stories and finally after a lot of
discussion, tears, consoling and cajoling, he’d go. He would always come back with
a smile saying he’d had a great day, and all the morning drama would be
forgotten. Rinse and repeat. It's a lot better now and he loves school. Of course it is still hard to get him out of bed on some days. So this morning, just as he was waking up....
Pickles: I want to sleep more.
Me: yeah, me too. Lets just pretend it’s a Saturday and
sleep, ok?
Pickles: Oh! Sorry amma but I HAVE to go to school today.
It’s very important.
Me: Huh?!
Pickles: Yeah, in school we’re gonna..(going on to tell me
what the plan for the day was).
Me: Oh no, then what shall I do?
Pickles: I have to go to school but you should stay at home.
Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.
Me (Making a sad face): Nooo
Pickles then randomly changed the topic and went on to tell
me a long story.
And after the story he gently asks me,
“Amma, do you feel better now? Do you think you can go to
office today? Its not so bad at all”.
Sometimes, he just blows my mind! <3 o:p="">3>